Audrey Stout, RN, RDMS

Dotsy Davis, BS, RDMS

Byron Calhoun, MD

Anne O’Connor, JD

Ectopic Pregnancy: The Greatest Medical and Legal Risk for Clinics

Ectopic pregnancy is known to be notoriously difficult to diagnose yet poses the greatest risk of morbidity and mortality for pregnant women worldwide. Since 2022, NIFLA has received more ectopic reports from member clinics than in previous years. The Intensive will educate clinic personnel on the various aspects of ectopic pregnancy, from its incidence, causes, locations, ultrasound images, management, and outcomes. Medical personnel won’t want to miss this critical educational opportunity taught by NIFLA medical team members Byron Calhoun, MD, Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist; Dotsy Davis, BSRT, RDMS (OB/GYN), RVT; Audrey Stout, RN, RDMS (OB/GYN); and Anne O’Connor, JD.

Karen Poehailos, MD

Beyond the Negative Pregnancy Test:Bringing Fertility Awareness into Your Pregnancy Medical Clinic

The session will provide an overview of fertility awareness methods, including hormonal events of the menstrual cycle, hormonal biomarkers, and how to bring instruction into your centers to serve patients.

Mischa Long, RN BSN

How to Move from a Resource Center to a Sexual Health Clinic

Over the last 20 years, Ultrasound and STI services, as well as LifeChoices Human Trafficking Victim Services, have allowed our clinic to reach more abortion-minded women and their partners. This workshop will discuss the vision behind adding STI testing to current pregnancy services and provide tangible ways to implement this in your clinic - allowing you to reach more abortion-minded women.

Susan Bane, MD, PhD

The Prodigal Profession of Obstetrics and Gynecology:
What Has Been Lost Can Be Found

We will explore the role of induced abortion in medicine – answering the question, “Is induced abortion a component of comprehensive reproductive health care?

Tricia Lewis, PhD

Helpers with Heavy Hearts

This discussion provides thoughtful considerations from a Biblical perspective for all helpers working with those who have clients experiencing fetal demise, including abortion, miscarriage, and stillbirth. Medical personnel offering ultrasounds or Abortion Pill Reversal are especially susceptible to distressing grief, shocking visuals, and exhaustion due to the extensive nature of care.

Tanya Flores

Helpers with Heavy Hearts

This discussion provides thoughtful considerations from a Biblical perspective for all helpers working with those who have clients experiencing fetal demise, including abortion, miscarriage, and stillbirth. Medical personnel offering ultrasounds or Abortion Pill Reversal are especially susceptible to distressing grief, shocking visuals, and exhaustion due to the extensive nature of care.

Anne O’Connor, JD

Legal Issues and Best Practices for Pregnancy Medical Service Provider

A panel of legal experts from NIFLA will discuss major risk management issues for pregnancy centers and review recent legal claims made against centers. Topics will include best practices for medical clinic operations, review of new policies such as scans after abortion pills, and HIPAA and related issues.

Angie Thomas, JD

Legal Issues and Best Practices for Pregnancy Medical Service Providers

A panel of legal experts from NIFLA will discuss major risk management issues for pregnancy centers and review recent legal claims made against centers. Topics will include best practices for medical clinic operations, review of new policies such as scans after abortion pills, and HIPAA and related issues.

Pregnancy Center Collaboration with State Family Policy Councils

Participants will learn the importance of partnering with like-minded and experienced state Family Policy Council (FPC) leaders. We will also hear about successful examples of pregnancy centers and FPCs working together to safeguard vulnerable mothers and unborn lives.

Lynne Marie Kohm, JD, Regent School of Law

The Deadly Duo of EMTALA and the FDA

In the wake of Dobbs, federal officials seem to be using national policy regulations to dictate abortion law and reproductive health care to the states. This seminar will present the challenges raised by some of those regulations, particularly focusing on the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) changes to chemical abortion distribution and the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) effectively requiring hospital abortions in every state. Considering the agency regs and recent federal jurisprudence, this presentation examines the combined deadly effects of EMTALA and the FDA on the state’s regulation of abortion and how that may affect the work of pregnancy resource centers.

Steven Aden, JD, Americans United for Life

Out of the Wilderness: A Vision for Equal Protection of All Human Lives

America‘s post-Roe landscape looks radically different from what many of us expected. Over a dozen States protect human life from its earliest stages. Still, the Pro-Life Movement struggles to expand State protections for Life, and the threat of federal intervention to impose Roe-like mandates always looms. How do we take stock of current efforts to enact respect for human persons into law, and what are the most effective means of advancing the cause of equal protection over the long run?

Thomas Glessner, JD

Standing on the Firm Foundation for the Challenges Ahead

The post-roe era brings many challenges and opportunities to the pc movement. The opening address will outline the challenges ahead and clearly set forth a vision for a future nation where abortion is no more.To accomplish this, our foundation must be rooted in the solid rock of Christ; our mission must proclaim the gospel of life, and our vision is to achieve an abortion-free America.

Joseph Kohm III, JD, Family Policy Alliance

Pregnancy Center Collaboration with State Family Policy Councils

Participants will learn the importance of partnering with like-minded and experienced state Family Policy Council (FPC) leaders. We will also hear about successful examples of pregnancy centers and FPCs working together to safeguard vulnerable mothers and unborn lives.

Kevin Theriot, JD, Alliance Defending Freedom

Advancing the Pro-Life Cause: Abortion Litigation Update

The legal battle for unborn life and those who protect it has never been hotter. This session will provide an update on state and federal litigation protecting pregnancy centers, defending pro-life laws, and advancing healthcare professionals’ right of conscience.

Kristine Hernandez, Media Specialist

Best Practices for Media Engagement

In the session, you will learn how to tactfully engage with the media, vet media opportunities, and handle interviews in an increasingly hostile environment.

Tom Brejcha, JD, Thomas More Society

The Legacy of NOW v. Scheidler and its Lessons for Today

In this talk, Tom Brejcha will give an in-depth account of the marathon 28-year legal battle, NOW v. Scheidler—which was argued before the U.S. Supreme Court an unprecedented three times, with victories in 2003 and 2006. This landmark case is “thick” with lessons for understanding the abortion industry’s strategy to opposing pro-life advocacy and activism inside and outside the courtroom, both in the past and present. In light of the past, Tom will further discuss a host of recent cases, as well as earlier efforts launched and prosecuted against pro-life pregnancy help organizations, as part of an evolving strategy to allege commercial and scientific misrepresentation against pro-life ministries—and how pro-life organizations now are going on the offense to protect their rights.