NIFLA is excited to offer a pre-conference half-day intensive for clinic leaders and medical personnel with the 2025 Leadership Summit. This year's NIFLA Clinical Intensive will cover ectopic pregnancy, the greatest medical and legal risk to clinics. Ectopic pregnancy is notoriously difficult to diagnose yet poses the greatest risk of morbidity and mortality for pregnant women worldwide. Since the Fall of 2022, NIFLA has had more ectopic pregnancies reported from member clinics than all the previous years. The Intensive seeks to educate clinic personnel on the various aspects of ectopic pregnancy, from its causes, locations, incidence, ultrasound imaging related to ectopic, and its management. Medical personnel won't want to miss this critical educational opportunity taught by NIFLA medical team members Byron Calhoun, MD, FACOG, FACS, FASAM, MB, Dotsy Davis, BSRT, RDMS (OB/GYN), RVT, and Audrey Stout, RN, RDMS (OB/GYN).

In addition to the Celebration of Life Dinner on Wednesday, NIFLA will be hosting a Night of Inspiration on Tuesday, March 18, 2025. This will be a special opportunity for NIFLA to show our appreciation for attendees by providing stories of inspiration, of encouragement, and of God's faithfulness in the face of the darkness.

Continuing Education Credits

Attorneys present will receive CLE credits (depending on state approval), and nurses in attendance will receive CEU credits*. There will be no additional fee associated with these credits.

Tentative Schedule:


Monday: Registration and Clinical Intensive
1pm – 8pm
Clinical Intensive Registration | Clinical Intensive
Summit Registration | Meet the Sponsors

Tuesday: Summit Begins
Breakfast Provided | Welcome and Worship
Session #1 (All) | Session #2 (Breakout)

Break ( Lunch Not Provided )

Session #3 (Breakout)| Session #4 (Breakout)
Dinner Provided – Night of Inspiration
Service to Honor the Unborn

7am – 8pm
Breakfast Provided | Worship
Session #5 (All) | Session #6(Breakout)

Break ( Lunch Not Provided )

Session #7 (Breakout) | Session #8 (Breakout)
Celebration of Life Dinner – Keynote Speaker

Thursday: Final Day
7am – 12pm
Breakfast Provided | Worship
Session #9 (Breakout) | Session #10 (All)
Closing Remarks

Topics For Summit:

Leadership Topics
Winning the War of Words in a post-Roe America
Review the 2023 CLI Report on Pregnancy Centers
Reaching Out to Fathers, the Forgotten Link in the Abortion Debate
Impact of NIFLA v Becerra Five Years Later
Baby Daddy
Mission Possible: How to Conduct a HIPAA Security Risk Assessment
Preventing Forced Abortion in the post-Roe Era
Saving Lives Post-Dobbs: The Need for Federal Protections
Dealing with Media, Both Hostile and Friendly
The Next Step in Achieving an Abortion-Free America" After Dobbs

Medical Topics
The Road to Success for Pregnancy Medical Clinics:
A Summary of the Latest Legal Pitfalls and Best Practices
PULs (Pregnancy Unknown Location) in the Pregnancy Medical Clinic
Medication Abortion’s Ever-Changing Landscape:
The Role of Pregnancy Medical Clinics Including Abortion Pill Rescue Network.
The Fetus as a Patient
Bioeffects, Risk, and Safety in Obstetrical Sonography
The Ultrasound Visit: Pearls & Lessons Learned for the Newcomer

Clinical Intensive

Clinic Management Intensive: “Servant Leadership in the Medical Clinic”

Implicit Bias in Healthcare

NIFLA/SoundView currently obtains CEU approval for this course/workshop from the California Board of Nursing which requires that all direct patient care courses address implicit bias in healthcare.

Definition: "Implicit bias, meaning the attitudes or internalized stereotypes that affect our perceptions, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner, exists, and often contributes to unequal treatment of people based on race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, and other characteristics. Implicit bias contributes to health disparities by affecting the behavior of physicians and surgeons, nurses, physician assistants, and other healing arts licensees." Cal. Code Regs. Tit.16, §1450

Strategy: One strategy to address how unintended biases in decision-making may contribute to health care disparities is to create a policy within the organization and to have annual training on policies. Once we know about the potential for implicit bias, we can strive to ensure all patients are treated respectfully and with the best possible healthcare. We believe that all people are made in the image and likeness of God Almighty. Therefore, we assure there is no discrimination on any basis. All pregnancy centers should have a policy like this: Pregnancy Center does not discriminate against clients on the basis of sex, race, color, ancestry, religious creed, national origin, physical disability (including HIV/AIDS), sexual orientation, mental disability, medical condition, age or marital status.

Example: An example of how implicit bias affects perceptions and treatment decisions and, thus, leads to disparities in health outcomes is how implicit bias impacts black maternal mortality rates. The following links show this disparity:

§ How Implicit Bias Contributes to Racial Disparities in Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in the
United States by Bani Saluja and Zenobia Bryant Published Online: 2 Feb 2021

§ Working Together to Reduce Black Maternal Mortality, April 6, 2022

Participants are invited to read these studies and reflect on how implicit biases must be addressed and how most pregnancy-related deaths can be prevented. In addition, participants are encouraged to discuss with their administrative staff about possible solutions like mindfulness interventions and system factor solutions like helping patients with transportation vouchers for in-person visits.


*NIFLA's 2025 Leadership Summit and Clinical Intensive provides leadership training and safety effectiveness for RNs providing Limited Obstetric Ultrasound and will award CEUs as a Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #14563 for 10 contact hours. Each nurse who completes NIFLA's medical portions of the Leadership Summit will be sent a certificate to obtain their credits. All fees subject to registration policy.