Moira Gaul M.P.H.

Moira Gaul is an associate scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute where she works on pregnancy center studies and women’s health-related issues.

With a background in pregnancy center work, Moira first developed a passion for the outreach in the role of client services director at an early medical pregnancy center in Charlottesville, Virginia. She has also served as a volunteer and board member of a pregnancy center in Washington, D.C. More recently, she has been a center director for services located within an urban-based rescue mission clinic and at a satellite based out of a public university’s student medical services in Pennsylvania.

In addition to her tenure at the Charlotte Lozier Institute, Moira’s policy and advocacy experience includes serving as fellow and director of women’s and reproductive health at the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. She has authored publications on a variety of women’s and children’s health and sanctity of life topics, including having co-authored two in-depth national reports on pro-life pregnancy help centers. She has testified before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Public Health Association conferees, state legislatures, and public-school boards.

Moira received bachelor’s degrees in biology and dance from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a master’s in public health (with an emphasis in maternal and child health) from the George Washington University.